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Polish Design Days & Grand Showroom Opening

Live House

Updated: Aug 30, 2019

Second day of the Polish Design Days 2016 and the Showroom Grand Opening. We had a honour to host such a great guests from construction industry like Paul Williams from Armitage Williams Construction, Martin Henkes from Sheppard & Rout Architects, Belfiore Bologna Honorary Consul of Italy in Christchurch, architect from Design Factum, Max Capocaccia from MC Architecture Studio, our fantastic neighbours Tara & Daryl Hewitt from DJ Hewitt Builders, Claudia Kaltenstadler from Harakeke Consultants, Robert Weir from Weir Architecture and his charming wife Fiona, Jerad Tinnin from Jasmax, Kriss Hoffman from European Tiling, Winsome Dormer Honorary Consul of Poland in Christchurch, representatives of Polish Association in Christchurch Dorota Szymańska and Sylwia Śmiarowska and many many other fantastic people.

Evening was graced by our special guests. Ambassador of Republic of Poland to New Zealand Mr Zbigniew Gniatkowski who had a presentation about Poland and relationships between Poland and New Zealand. And Alicja Podemska - lecturer of Ara Institute with her presentation about Polish Industrial Design.

Thank you all and see you on Polish Design Days 2017!

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